Product Service

Now Showing: Prime Video
We create the Now Showing: Prime Video, an exhibitions with art installation that shows the richness of content from inside of the
Prime Video's app.
Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube
• Jack Ryan (Series)
• Curtain Call (Series)
• Bleach (Anime Series)
• Perfect Strangers (Movie)

To promote the new season of the original series from Prime Video, Jack Ryan. We create #FindingJR (short called acronym form of Jack Ryan) as activity on social media which makes people curious about who’s JR, how empower JR is. People will drive in to figure out what is JR and how to find JR by hashtag #FindingJR. We also give reward and a chance of popularity for the lucky people who can found clue about Jack Ryan.
Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, OOH
Jack Ryan (Series)

K-Time with K-Prime
K-Time is the movement from Prime Video that designed to increase K-Drama and asian title fans watching an exclusive drama series on Prime Video, especially for the release of new K-Drama: May I Help You (MIHY) and Curtain Call (CC). So, we built K-Time with
K-Prime through social media and influencers activations alongside the launching and excitement of MIHY and CC series based on each titles uniqueness.
Instagram, TikTok, Twitter
• May I Help You (Series)
• Curtain Call (Series)

Local Prime
Prime Video wants to release a local film or commonly called Local Prime, entitled Ashiap Man. Then we creating the awareness with the collaboration of several Influencers to create some of the creative content with the Glow-Up and Success-Story themes to represent the value as a human being that processing throughout life which fits the theme of the movie with using the hashtags #AshiapMan and #Bangkit.
Ashiap Man (Movie)

GoWork Menara Rajawali, Menara Rajawali 1st & 2nd Floor
Jl. DR. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung, Kawasan Mega Kuningan,
Jakarta Selatan 12950
+62 21 8051 1688